Thoughts on Venezuela
After a long silence I feel the need to say something. Given the subject the text is in Spanish AND English (below). I trust my german friend to understand enough English to read this text, so please, I hope once you see how long it is you can understand I did not translate it in yet another language...
Yo no soy patriota.
Para mi el patriotismo siempre viene acompañado de un tanto de "mi pais es mejor que el tuyo, lero-lero", lo cual me parece idiotico. Naturalmente tengo una affecion hacia "mis" dos paises: Venezuela y Alemania, claro. Me gusta vivir en ellos y ambos tienen sus cualidades, tanto negativas como positivas. Pero nunca me consideraria patriota. Sin embargo, habiendo vivido en un pais y teniendo amigos a familiares alla, al escuchar que en dicho pais la situacion esta agitada como lo está, uno muy probablemente va a sentir el deseo de cambiar esa situacion.
Pero como?
Para empezar tenemos ese tal oceano Atlantico entre mi persona y el pais al me gustaria ayudar. Por el otro lado tambien tenemos el temor, de que aun encontrandome en el pais todavia existe la leve posibilidad de que yo no pueda hacer nada.
Lo que se es que viviendo en el exterior tengo la posibilidad de divulgar informaciones y llamar la attention de gente en otros paises. Pero que informaciones divulgar? En los dias pasado he visto, de ambos lados, chavistas y opositores, imagenes falsas circulando. Viejas, falsificadas o de otras ocurencias en otros paises. Algunas son bastantemente obvias y faciles de descartar, si tan solo uno conoce los uniformes de GNB/policia o sabe como identificar una ciudad Venezolana. Pero, sin embargo, siempre existe el riesgo de transmitir informaciones falsas sin darse cuenta. Y esto es lo ultimo que quiero hacer... Distribuir informaciones falsas más bien ayuda al otro lado, dandoles el chance de descartar cualquier informacion como mentira, basandose en el hecho de que algunos opositores han distribuido informaciones falsas. Por esa razon en los ultimos dias he divulgado menos y menos imagenes y videos, ya que en algunos casos no podia estar segura de su autenticidad.
Asi que, los que vivimos en el exterior y queremos divulgar informaciones sobre los hechos en Venezuela, tenemos que tener en cuenta lo siguiente:
Pero, bueno, hablemos de lo factual:
Los ultimos eventos (para los que no se hayan enterado ;)):
Pero, por el otro lado, tampoco estoy segura si los venezolanos puedan salir de esta situación por ellos mismos. Ademas no se que pensar de los líderes opositores y siempre tengo un poco de miedo que puedan terminar siendo hasta peores que el gobierno actual (como, por ejemplo, sucedió en Egipto). Yo generalmente desconfío de los politicos. Para mi hay politicos pésimos (como el señor del bigotito), politicos malos y politicos que son el menor de dos males. Al momento, dejando a un lado mi usual pesimismo, prefiero pensar que los líderes son el menor de dos males, pero nunca puedo estar 100% segura. Lo cual no hace volver a la pregunta: Que debería pasar?
Normalmente este es el punto en donde renuncio y no hago un coño. El punto donde me confronto con la brutal realidad, que en la historia de la humanidad siempre ha habido muerte, violencia y sufrimiento. Y que muy probablemente esto nunca cambiara. Y que la gente siempre va a pensar o que viven en la época perfecta, que es muchísimo mejor que el pasado en todos los aspectos posibles o que en días pasados todo fue mejor, la gente más amable y menos indiferente, la música mejor y las calles con menos basura. El punto en donde estoy tan insegura de que hacer y el miedo a hacer algo equivocado me lleva a no hacer nada.
Pero, esta vez no me quiero quedar guindada en ese punto de indiferencia total. Aveces hay que tener esperanza, creer en un cambio positivo. Porque lo que esta seguro, es que necesitamos un cambio. Así que tratemos, cada uno, de hacer lo que podamos hacer y mantener la mente positiva para que el cambio sea positivo también. Y si no es positivo, que coño, pues traemos otro cambio, no joda!
Y si tan solo escribo esto para que alguien lo lea y se informe, es más de lo que suelo hacer y por algún lado se tiene que empezar, no?
Finalmente, y ahora si llegare a un final, les quiero agradecer a todos los que se hayan tomado el tiempo de leerse todo esto. Y sobre todo les quiero agradecer a todos los que hagan más que tan solo publicar un pedazo de texto en la red. En Venezuela, en Ucrania, en Siria, en el mundo.
Buenas noches.
Text in English after the break:
I am not a patriot.
I do not favor the whole "My country is better than yours"-crap. Yes, I am quite fond of both my countries: Venezuela and Germany. I like living in them, both have nice people/places/things and not so nice people/places/things. But, I would never consider myself a patriot. However, if a country were you have lived in and where you have friends and family, is in turmoil, you will most probably feel the need to change that.
But, how do you do that?
For one, there is that Atlantic Ocean-thingie, that lies between me and the country were I would want to take action. Also, there is the fear that even if I was in the country, I would not be able to do anything.
But I know that being in another country enables me to spread information and get peoples attention as to what is happening. But which information to spread? I have seen, on both sides, government and opposition, false images. Either old or fake or belonging to different happenings in other countries.
Of course, some are quite easy to spot, if one is familiar with the uniforms of Venezuelan police or with the look of Venezuelan cities e.g. But there is always the risk of false information slipping past unnoticed. And I really do not want to spread false information. I even think that it could worsen the situation, since it gives chavistas a reason to point fingers and call us all liars. So in the past few days I have divulged less and less pictures and videos, simply because in a lot cases I am not and cannot make sure, if they are genuine.
So, if you live in the exterior and want to help by spreading the voice, please:
Now, to avoid all speculations, I will stick to the facts.
Recent events:
Because, I have heard some people claiming that everything is just fine and that those students have no reason whatsoever to be out and about complaining:
- The government DOES censor the media and there is NO justification for such a measure. Period.
When I was there, last year in May, every time the leader of the opposition Henrique Capriles was scheduled to appear in television by some kind of coincidence there was a cadena nacional, a government broadcast which per law has to be transmitted by all national channels. After a few of those "coincidences", it was announced that Capriles would appear in CNN, which not being a Venezuelan channel, has no obligation of transmitting the cadena nacional. And then, coincidentally, a few minutes before the program should start, there was a power outage. Of course, this could all still be actual coincidences, I know, but alone the fact of that the government basically blocks all channels and forces people to watch whatever they want to show them, clashes with my idea of democracy.
- The internet also undergoes censoring to some degree. I have been asked several times by people inside the country to tell them the content of websites that the cannot access. Again: In my eyes there is no justification for censorship. Censorships just signals that there is some information you do not want people to see. And in most cases, if you do not want people to see something, it is because you want to hide something YOU have done wrong.
- There are black lists with people, who support the opposition and if you are on them it makes it hella difficult to find a job. And this is no "imperialist" propaganda. I have heard it from chavistas, saying that encouraging your children to vote for the opposition makes you a bad parent, because that will only lead to them not being able to get a job. Sorry, but in a democracy, it should be irrelevant who you voted for, when it comes to you getting a job.
- There is an undeniable scarcity of several basic products like toilet paper, corn flour, milk. Concerning this, I mostly hear two arguments:
a) "It is a complot of the imperialist/capitalist/fascist corporations who are hiding the products."
Well, I call bullshit on that one. Most corporations producing these goods have been disowned by the government and the ones remaining could not even come close to producing the numbers to satisfy the market. Basic math. So, you have to import those goods, which becomes increasingly difficult with the economy being how it is. Simple math strikes again. Also, why don't we have government supported toilet paper production? Glorious red, socialist toilet paper? Or is the production of such a lowly good below the noble goals of socialism?
Which brings us to the next argument:
b) "Who even needs toilet paper/milk/corn flour? There are plenty of cultures living without toilet paper.".
Yes, this is absolutely true. There are also plenty of cultures, who think raping women is acceptable. There are also plenty of cultures, who think sewing up womens vaginas is acceptable. Only because there is a culture doing or not doing something, that doesn't make it acceptable. It is the same with germans and patriotism: Since that guy with the little moustache had his little phase, patriotism is kinda frowned upon in Germany. Which, in my eyes is a good thing because patriotism tends to be a bit stupid. But there will always be those saying: "Oh, but in country XYZ they are super-duper patriotic and nobody thinks it is a bad thing". So, long story short, as your mom probably also said: "Just because somebody does it, it doesn't mean that you have to do it as well...".
Let's come to the need of toilet paper in general: The problem is, that if a product, which for quite some time has been available on the market, disappears from said market, it means that there is something deeply wrong with the economy. It is cool if you do not need paper to wipe your ass with, but that does not mean its disappearance is not a problem of some sort. May be it is not a problem for you, fine, but it still is a problem. I for example would be absolutely fine if raisins disappeared from the market. I hate raisins and without them the world would be a much nicer place with puppies, rainbows and unicorns. But, if raisins would happen to disappear from the stores, I would no doubt (after celebrating a bit) ask myself, why this was happening. So, you are free to throw a party for finally being able to live your hand-wiping, free life without that nasty paper, but please do not ignore that this is a symptom for some deeper issue.
But, coming to an end, there is one nagging question in the back of my head: What do I want to accomplish? What do I want for Venezuela to happen? I, sure as hell, do not want an international intervention. Mainly because in most cases those interventions seem to break more that they fix. Also I am not a big fan of the US government always "saving the world" (for those not aware of this, the "" are a signal of sarcasm). Also, I am quite the pessimist and as such, I am unsure if Venezuela can do it on its own. I am not a big supporter of the opposition either, because I do not know those people and there is always the fear they could turn out to be as bad as the current government (just think about how it went in Egypt...). I generally do not trust politicians. In my eyes there are really bad politicians (like moustache-guy), bad politicians and the-lesser-of-two-evils politicians. And I really do not know where to put Venezuelas opposition. Currently I am going for "lesser-evil-of-two-evils", which is rather positive if me. So, what should happen?
Normally this is the point where I give up and don't do anything. Where I tell myself the harsh truth, that in mankinds history, there has always been suffering and bloodshed and cruelty. And that it will most probably never change. And that people always will either think that the live in the golden age, where everything is so perfect compared to the cruel past, or the will constantly complain about how past times were better times with less indifference, more politeness and less garbage. The point were I get so unsure about what to do, that the fear of doing the wrong thing leads to me not doing anything.
But this time I don’t want to get stuck in this swamp of doubt an indiference. Sometimes you should have hope for a positive change. However illogical my pessimistic mind may find this. And there HAS to be SOME kind of change, no doubt. So let's bring it on! Lets do whatever we can do, as little as it may seem. Even if it is only typing my opinion up and publishing it, so people can inform themselves - it is more than I usually do and we all have to start somewhere. And if in the end the change comes and turns out to be a change for worse, well, fuck it, then we will have to bring the next change along!
But to finally come to an end (and this time I mean it) I want to thank everybody who took the time of facing this endless wall of text. And most of all I want to thank everybody doing more than just writing a wall of text. In Venezuela, in the Ukraine, in Siria, everywhere.
Good night.
Yo no soy patriota.
Para mi el patriotismo siempre viene acompañado de un tanto de "mi pais es mejor que el tuyo, lero-lero", lo cual me parece idiotico. Naturalmente tengo una affecion hacia "mis" dos paises: Venezuela y Alemania, claro. Me gusta vivir en ellos y ambos tienen sus cualidades, tanto negativas como positivas. Pero nunca me consideraria patriota. Sin embargo, habiendo vivido en un pais y teniendo amigos a familiares alla, al escuchar que en dicho pais la situacion esta agitada como lo está, uno muy probablemente va a sentir el deseo de cambiar esa situacion.
Pero como?
Para empezar tenemos ese tal oceano Atlantico entre mi persona y el pais al me gustaria ayudar. Por el otro lado tambien tenemos el temor, de que aun encontrandome en el pais todavia existe la leve posibilidad de que yo no pueda hacer nada.
Lo que se es que viviendo en el exterior tengo la posibilidad de divulgar informaciones y llamar la attention de gente en otros paises. Pero que informaciones divulgar? En los dias pasado he visto, de ambos lados, chavistas y opositores, imagenes falsas circulando. Viejas, falsificadas o de otras ocurencias en otros paises. Algunas son bastantemente obvias y faciles de descartar, si tan solo uno conoce los uniformes de GNB/policia o sabe como identificar una ciudad Venezolana. Pero, sin embargo, siempre existe el riesgo de transmitir informaciones falsas sin darse cuenta. Y esto es lo ultimo que quiero hacer... Distribuir informaciones falsas más bien ayuda al otro lado, dandoles el chance de descartar cualquier informacion como mentira, basandose en el hecho de que algunos opositores han distribuido informaciones falsas. Por esa razon en los ultimos dias he divulgado menos y menos imagenes y videos, ya que en algunos casos no podia estar segura de su autenticidad.
Asi que, los que vivimos en el exterior y queremos divulgar informaciones sobre los hechos en Venezuela, tenemos que tener en cuenta lo siguiente:
- Usemos solo informaciones de primera o segunda mano, que nos sean transmitidas por alguien a quien conocemos y en quien confiamos.
- No divulgemos informationes tan solo porque pensamos, que podrian ser verdad, basado en lo que sabemos del gobierno.
- No divulgemos informaciones, que por el solo hecho de provenir de un periodico/canal de TV dan la impresion de ser autenticas.
Pero, bueno, hablemos de lo factual:
Los ultimos eventos (para los que no se hayan enterado ;)):
- El 12 de febrero en varias ciudades Venezolanas los estudiantes tomaron las calles para protestar contra el gobierno y la actual situacion del pais. Las protestas escalaron dejando muertos y heridos (conscientemente no voy a nombrar numeros aqui...).
- En los dias siguientes las protestas siguieron en diversas ciudades de Venezuela.
- En algunas partes del pais, que me consta, han cortado el internet o bloqueado paginas como Twitter temporaneamente.
- Los canales de TV nacionales no reportaron sobre los eventos (al menos no al comienzo, lamentablemente no tengo informaciones recientes sobre el contenido de las noticias nacionales).
- Es un hecho que el gobierno CENSURA los medios y en mis ojos una medida asi de drastica NO tiene justification. Punto!
Cuando estuve en Venezuela el año pasado CADA VEZ que habian anunciado que Henrique Capriles iba a aparecer en la tele, justo en ese momento, por "casualidades de la vida", pusieron cadena national. Despues de unas cuantas "casualidades" anunciaron que Capriles iba a salir por CNN, que siendo un canal extranjero no tiene obligacion de transmitir la cadena. Pero, unos minutos antes del programa, por "casualidades de la vida", se fue la luz. Porsupuesto, que (dejando a un lado mi sarcasmo) todavia existe la posibilidad que las "casualidades de la vida" sean tan solo eso: casualidades de la vida. Pero, tan solo el hecho de que un gobierno bloquee todos las canales para transmitir lo que le de la perra gana, no va con mi idea de democracia, lo siento mucho. Yo no soy amiga de la tele (ni tengo tele en mi casa) pero el bloqueo total de un medio de comunicaion es un instrumento de una dictadura.
- El internet tambien es censurado en parte. Yo ya varias veces he sido preguntada por gente viviendo en el pais, si les puedo comunicar el contenido de la una o otra pagina que ellos no pueden accesar (y no son solo las paginas del dollar paralelo, si me van a salir con esa). Me repito: en mis ojos no hay justificacion para censura. La censura solo indica que hay informacion que alguien no quiere que tu veas. Y, en la mayoria de los casos, es porque esa informacion podria demostrar que algo va mal.
- Existen listas negras con opositores y si te encuentras en una de ellas podria ser un tantico dificil conseguir trabajo. Y esto no es "propaganda imperialista". Yo misma escuche a chavistas decir, que el apoyar a tus hijos a que voten por la opocicion es ser un mal padre, ya eso les va a dificultar conseguir trabajo en un futuro. Lo siento mucho, pero en una democracia esto tampoco no deberia ser.
- Y por último tenemos la escasez de productos como el papel higiénico, la harina pan, la leche, etc… Acerca de esto, siempre escucho los mismos dos argumentos:
a) Es un complót imperialista/fascista/capitalista.
Bueno, para empezar muchas de las empresas que solían producir los productos en question han sido expropiadas por el gobierno. Y las que quedan estadísticamente no están en capacidad de producir la cantidad que seria necesaria para satisfacer la necesidad existente. Matematica básica. Sin producción nacional para satisfacer la demanda, los productos tienen que ser importados. Lo cual se hace difícil con la economía como está. Matematica básica de nuevo. Ademas, si las empresas „imperialistas“ no producen, porque no hay empresas suplementadas por el gobierno encargadas de la producción? Porque no hay una producción de papel higiénico roja, rojito y hecho en socialismo? O será, que la producción de algo tan simple como el papel higiénico se encuentra por debajo de los nobles goles del socialismo?
Esto nos lleva al siguiente argumento:
b) „Quien necesita papel higuienico?“ „Hay diversas culturas actuales y en el pasado que viven/vivian sin papel higiénico“.
Si, eso es cierto. Pero también hay diversas culturas que aceptan la violación de mujeres como hecho normal y cotidiano. Hay diversas culturas que piensan que es normal cerrarles las vaginas a mujeres con hilo y aguja. Solamente porque en algún lado exista una cultura, para la cual algún modo de vida sea normal, esto no significa automáticamente que ese modo de vida sea aceptable en la tuya. Es similar con algunos alemanes y el patriotismo: Desde que un cierto señor con bigotico tuvo su pequeña fase, el patriotismo es algo no muy bien visto en Alemania. Lo cual, en mi opinion, es bueno, porque como ya lo mencione anteriormente, no soy muy fanática del patriotismo en si. Pero entonces siempre están aquellos que salen con ejemplos de otros países: „Ay, pero en el país XYZ es super normal ser patriota y a nadie le molesta“. Pero, como siempre dicen las mamas: „Solamente porque alguien hace algo, eso no significa que tu tienes que hacerlo también“.
Ahora hablemos de la necesidad del papel higiénico en si: Sí un producto que en el pasado siempre ha estado presente en el mercado, desaparece de dicho mercado, esto es una señal que la economía tiene algún problema. Está bien que no necesiten papel para limpiarse el culo, pero tan solo porque ustedes no tengan esa necesidad, eso no significa que no haya algúna clase problema. Para ustedes no, claro, felicidades, pero un problema de alguna forma, sin duda alguna. Yo por ejemplo podría vivir muy bien, si las pasas desaparecerían del mercado. Detesto las pasas y pienso que sin ellas el mundo seria hermoso, colorido y lleno de unicornios y arcoirises. Pero, sin embargo, si las pasas desaparecerían del mercado, yo (después de festejar un poco) me preguntaría cual es la causa de ese fenómeno. Así que, si alguien no necesita papel higiénico, que celebre, que haga una fiesta para celebrar su libertad del papeleo anal, pero que por favor no ignore el hecho de que esto es el síntoma de un problema mucho más profundo.
Pero, por el otro lado, tampoco estoy segura si los venezolanos puedan salir de esta situación por ellos mismos. Ademas no se que pensar de los líderes opositores y siempre tengo un poco de miedo que puedan terminar siendo hasta peores que el gobierno actual (como, por ejemplo, sucedió en Egipto). Yo generalmente desconfío de los politicos. Para mi hay politicos pésimos (como el señor del bigotito), politicos malos y politicos que son el menor de dos males. Al momento, dejando a un lado mi usual pesimismo, prefiero pensar que los líderes son el menor de dos males, pero nunca puedo estar 100% segura. Lo cual no hace volver a la pregunta: Que debería pasar?
Normalmente este es el punto en donde renuncio y no hago un coño. El punto donde me confronto con la brutal realidad, que en la historia de la humanidad siempre ha habido muerte, violencia y sufrimiento. Y que muy probablemente esto nunca cambiara. Y que la gente siempre va a pensar o que viven en la época perfecta, que es muchísimo mejor que el pasado en todos los aspectos posibles o que en días pasados todo fue mejor, la gente más amable y menos indiferente, la música mejor y las calles con menos basura. El punto en donde estoy tan insegura de que hacer y el miedo a hacer algo equivocado me lleva a no hacer nada.
Pero, esta vez no me quiero quedar guindada en ese punto de indiferencia total. Aveces hay que tener esperanza, creer en un cambio positivo. Porque lo que esta seguro, es que necesitamos un cambio. Así que tratemos, cada uno, de hacer lo que podamos hacer y mantener la mente positiva para que el cambio sea positivo también. Y si no es positivo, que coño, pues traemos otro cambio, no joda!
Y si tan solo escribo esto para que alguien lo lea y se informe, es más de lo que suelo hacer y por algún lado se tiene que empezar, no?
Finalmente, y ahora si llegare a un final, les quiero agradecer a todos los que se hayan tomado el tiempo de leerse todo esto. Y sobre todo les quiero agradecer a todos los que hagan más que tan solo publicar un pedazo de texto en la red. En Venezuela, en Ucrania, en Siria, en el mundo.
Buenas noches.
Text in English after the break:
I am not a patriot.
I do not favor the whole "My country is better than yours"-crap. Yes, I am quite fond of both my countries: Venezuela and Germany. I like living in them, both have nice people/places/things and not so nice people/places/things. But, I would never consider myself a patriot. However, if a country were you have lived in and where you have friends and family, is in turmoil, you will most probably feel the need to change that.
But, how do you do that?
For one, there is that Atlantic Ocean-thingie, that lies between me and the country were I would want to take action. Also, there is the fear that even if I was in the country, I would not be able to do anything.
But I know that being in another country enables me to spread information and get peoples attention as to what is happening. But which information to spread? I have seen, on both sides, government and opposition, false images. Either old or fake or belonging to different happenings in other countries.
Of course, some are quite easy to spot, if one is familiar with the uniforms of Venezuelan police or with the look of Venezuelan cities e.g. But there is always the risk of false information slipping past unnoticed. And I really do not want to spread false information. I even think that it could worsen the situation, since it gives chavistas a reason to point fingers and call us all liars. So in the past few days I have divulged less and less pictures and videos, simply because in a lot cases I am not and cannot make sure, if they are genuine.
So, if you live in the exterior and want to help by spreading the voice, please:
- Use only first or second person accounts coming from people you know and trust.
- Do not just post information only because you think it COULD be true, given what you know about the government.
- Do not just post information, just because you got it from a newspaper/tv channel page and you think therefore it must be true.
Now, to avoid all speculations, I will stick to the facts.
Recent events:
- On the 12. of February student started to take the streets to protest against the government in several Venezuelan cities. The protests escalated leaving some dead and several injured (I am deliberately not posting any numbers here).
- Since then, there have been protests all over the country
- In some parts of the country, the internet has been down or some sites, like Twitter, blocked.
- No national channel reported about the happenings (at least not at the beginning and right now I do not have reliable information as to if they have said anything yet and what...).
Because, I have heard some people claiming that everything is just fine and that those students have no reason whatsoever to be out and about complaining:
- The government DOES censor the media and there is NO justification for such a measure. Period.
When I was there, last year in May, every time the leader of the opposition Henrique Capriles was scheduled to appear in television by some kind of coincidence there was a cadena nacional, a government broadcast which per law has to be transmitted by all national channels. After a few of those "coincidences", it was announced that Capriles would appear in CNN, which not being a Venezuelan channel, has no obligation of transmitting the cadena nacional. And then, coincidentally, a few minutes before the program should start, there was a power outage. Of course, this could all still be actual coincidences, I know, but alone the fact of that the government basically blocks all channels and forces people to watch whatever they want to show them, clashes with my idea of democracy.
- The internet also undergoes censoring to some degree. I have been asked several times by people inside the country to tell them the content of websites that the cannot access. Again: In my eyes there is no justification for censorship. Censorships just signals that there is some information you do not want people to see. And in most cases, if you do not want people to see something, it is because you want to hide something YOU have done wrong.
- There are black lists with people, who support the opposition and if you are on them it makes it hella difficult to find a job. And this is no "imperialist" propaganda. I have heard it from chavistas, saying that encouraging your children to vote for the opposition makes you a bad parent, because that will only lead to them not being able to get a job. Sorry, but in a democracy, it should be irrelevant who you voted for, when it comes to you getting a job.
- There is an undeniable scarcity of several basic products like toilet paper, corn flour, milk. Concerning this, I mostly hear two arguments:
a) "It is a complot of the imperialist/capitalist/fascist corporations who are hiding the products."
Well, I call bullshit on that one. Most corporations producing these goods have been disowned by the government and the ones remaining could not even come close to producing the numbers to satisfy the market. Basic math. So, you have to import those goods, which becomes increasingly difficult with the economy being how it is. Simple math strikes again. Also, why don't we have government supported toilet paper production? Glorious red, socialist toilet paper? Or is the production of such a lowly good below the noble goals of socialism?
Which brings us to the next argument:
b) "Who even needs toilet paper/milk/corn flour? There are plenty of cultures living without toilet paper.".
Yes, this is absolutely true. There are also plenty of cultures, who think raping women is acceptable. There are also plenty of cultures, who think sewing up womens vaginas is acceptable. Only because there is a culture doing or not doing something, that doesn't make it acceptable. It is the same with germans and patriotism: Since that guy with the little moustache had his little phase, patriotism is kinda frowned upon in Germany. Which, in my eyes is a good thing because patriotism tends to be a bit stupid. But there will always be those saying: "Oh, but in country XYZ they are super-duper patriotic and nobody thinks it is a bad thing". So, long story short, as your mom probably also said: "Just because somebody does it, it doesn't mean that you have to do it as well...".
Let's come to the need of toilet paper in general: The problem is, that if a product, which for quite some time has been available on the market, disappears from said market, it means that there is something deeply wrong with the economy. It is cool if you do not need paper to wipe your ass with, but that does not mean its disappearance is not a problem of some sort. May be it is not a problem for you, fine, but it still is a problem. I for example would be absolutely fine if raisins disappeared from the market. I hate raisins and without them the world would be a much nicer place with puppies, rainbows and unicorns. But, if raisins would happen to disappear from the stores, I would no doubt (after celebrating a bit) ask myself, why this was happening. So, you are free to throw a party for finally being able to live your hand-wiping, free life without that nasty paper, but please do not ignore that this is a symptom for some deeper issue.
But, coming to an end, there is one nagging question in the back of my head: What do I want to accomplish? What do I want for Venezuela to happen? I, sure as hell, do not want an international intervention. Mainly because in most cases those interventions seem to break more that they fix. Also I am not a big fan of the US government always "saving the world" (for those not aware of this, the "" are a signal of sarcasm). Also, I am quite the pessimist and as such, I am unsure if Venezuela can do it on its own. I am not a big supporter of the opposition either, because I do not know those people and there is always the fear they could turn out to be as bad as the current government (just think about how it went in Egypt...). I generally do not trust politicians. In my eyes there are really bad politicians (like moustache-guy), bad politicians and the-lesser-of-two-evils politicians. And I really do not know where to put Venezuelas opposition. Currently I am going for "lesser-evil-of-two-evils", which is rather positive if me. So, what should happen?
Normally this is the point where I give up and don't do anything. Where I tell myself the harsh truth, that in mankinds history, there has always been suffering and bloodshed and cruelty. And that it will most probably never change. And that people always will either think that the live in the golden age, where everything is so perfect compared to the cruel past, or the will constantly complain about how past times were better times with less indifference, more politeness and less garbage. The point were I get so unsure about what to do, that the fear of doing the wrong thing leads to me not doing anything.
But this time I don’t want to get stuck in this swamp of doubt an indiference. Sometimes you should have hope for a positive change. However illogical my pessimistic mind may find this. And there HAS to be SOME kind of change, no doubt. So let's bring it on! Lets do whatever we can do, as little as it may seem. Even if it is only typing my opinion up and publishing it, so people can inform themselves - it is more than I usually do and we all have to start somewhere. And if in the end the change comes and turns out to be a change for worse, well, fuck it, then we will have to bring the next change along!
But to finally come to an end (and this time I mean it) I want to thank everybody who took the time of facing this endless wall of text. And most of all I want to thank everybody doing more than just writing a wall of text. In Venezuela, in the Ukraine, in Siria, everywhere.
Good night.
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